I really like abandoned, dilapidated buildings. They're haunting and mysterious, and enough time snooping around one to take photos gets under my skin. I ran across a stack of empty, rusted-out train cars that were all stacked up on top of each other. It was broad daylight and I was next to a moderately high-traffic road so I jumped out of my car to take some photos. Then I got a little skittish as I walked over to the train cars...they looked like the perfect hideout for homeless people so I chickened out and got back in my car.

But, I did find a really cool run-down district of Lexington that's worth coming back to with more (brave) people for some potentially cool photos. Here's one building:

And some barrels around the train cars:

I also went to they labyrinth that is Lexington Cemetery, following the "haunting" theme. They have some pretty old headstones.
This cute little chipmunk had tons of hiding places under tilted headstones...he kept popping into and out of places. But I caught him in one picture!