Last week my mom and I took an adventure to Louisville to see the Kentucky State Fair. Mind you I have lived here all my life and this was my first trip to the fair. It was different than I expected...the trip was full of over-priced fast food, booths representing nearly every Kentucky county (and did you know Kentucky has more counties than any state? phew), tropical fish, Christmas trees (in August), craft booths and horse gear booths, and more cows, goats, rabbits and fowl than you can imagine, even if you are from the Bluegrass State. All under one pretty large roof. We didn't make it to the rides. They actually have a photo contest and now that I've scoped the competition I'd like to enter next year. Click on any of the pictures to view them at a larger size.
I took several goat pictures for my sister. Most of them wanted to eat my camera, so she should be appreciative.

Aforementioned cows...these are dairy cows and I got to see one milked. I think 6 gallons came out...!?!
A goat judging competion...I don't know how they judge goats but it's pretty fast. Each goat gets patted down, prances around showing off its fancy-dancy tail and then ribbons are handed out. No one gets too excited...if my goat got a blue ribbon I'd be yellin' boo-yah or something, but I guess that would be unsportsman like. These are pygmy goats, and my sister has been threatening to buy one for my mom. Don't ask.